
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Creativity in the Common Core Classroom

With the adoption of the Common Core Standards, states and school districts across the nation are scrambling to make sure their curricula meet the new expectations.

What has gotten lost in the shuffle with the new demands placed on professional educators is teacher creativity. Rigorous standards have often meant rigid demands on teachers in the classroom. Time that was spent connecting with students has been replaced with more content to teach. So the question in many educators’ minds is, “How do I still make learning engaging and meaningful for my students?” This is the million dollar question that both Eric and I intend to answer.

Please follow our blog and our Facebook page as we will be sharing proven methods to help keep the creativity in your classroom while meeting the Common Core Standards.

Some upcoming topics will be: Games for Great  Review, Using Youtube to Engage Students, Tying Music to Topics in the Classroom, Using Graphic Organizers, Electronics in Education, Energizers that Excite Your Students, Creating Assessments, and Content with Creativity.

Teaching is an art. Let us be one of the painters of the future of education!

Brian and Eric


  1. I LOVE your new blog. I love the colors, the fonts, and the nice clean look! Great job!

  2. Thanks Amy! We know that educators will love to be a part of the great resources that will be available on this site!

  3. Glad to be a new follower... and looking forward to reading more...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. Thanks Kim. We look forward to hearing from all educators across the U.S. too!

  5. Your new blog looks fantastic! Congrats:) We don't use Common Core here in Canada but you guys always post wonderful ideas so I know I will find many useful things here.
    Terri's Teaching Treasures

  6. Sounds great. I look forward to seeing what you share here. Thanks for all you do. I just bought your new reading pack of organizers.

    room 4 imagination

  7. I'm looking forward to reading your ideas. Our state begins adopting Common Core next year.
    Best wishes in 2013.

  8. Thanks Terri, Heather, and Mary!
