Upper Elementary Things to Do Before the First Day of School Linky!
We know it is only July, but it is never too late to start thinking about what you will need to do to get your grades 3-5 classroom ready for the upcoming school year. We have a great FREE Back to School checklist that we use before school starts to get our classroom ready to go. You can download this by clickinghere.
Thanks to Fabulous Fourth Grade Froggies for hosting the linky where you can check out more great back to school ideas. Make sure to stop by her page and follow!
Great, your list may be a little different, but you can use this one as a baseline to build your own. It is so helpful having a list at the beginning of the year!
This is awesome! I will have my own 4th grade classroom for the first time next year, and this will be a huge help! Thank you!!!
Great, your list may be a little different, but you can use this one as a baseline to build your own. It is so helpful having a list at the beginning of the year!