
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bringing Surprise Treats to School!

 It's Wednesday, and that means it is "Hump Day!" You are now half-way through your week, and there is light at the end of the tunnel! We are here to brighten your day with Wise Guys Words of Wisdom!

This feature will be appearing on our blog once a week, on Wednesdays from mid August to mid June. The goal is for you to leave with a smile on your face and hopefully a spring in your step to help you finish off the week of school.

The installment is about Bringing Surprise Treats to School!

At our school, and I'm sure at all schools across the world, treats are a welcome sign when you enter the teachers' lounge. The problem is, they don't happen that often. A birthday here, or a celebration there, but there are over 180 school days a year!

So we thought of an idea this school year to bring treats to school for no apparent reason at all! Nothing gets teachers more excited in the morning then walking into a lounge and seeing treats. We all know how long some days can be, and we would hope that this would start our fellow staff members off on the right foot.
We would love it if you would take our Surprise Treat Challenge! All you have to do is: bring a surprise treat to your school, and comment below with how it went. We'd love to hear your story!

Make sure to stop by next Wednesday for another installment of Wise Guys Words of Wisdom!

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