
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Healthy Snacks in Your Students Backpacks

It's Wednesday, and that means it is "Hump Day!" You are now half-way through your week, and there is light at the end of the tunnel! We are here to brighten your day with Wise Guys Words of Wisdom!

This feature will be appearing on our blog once a week, on Wednesdays from mid August to mid June. The goal is for you to leave with a smile on your face and hopefully a spring in your step to help you finish off the week of school.

The installment is about Healthy Snacks in Your Students Backpacks.

With Halloween right around the corner, children are panting and drooling over the piles and piles of candy they wish to devour for the next few months. The temptation will be there for your students to want to bring into class: candy bars, lollipops, smarties, pixie sticks, and so many other high sugar treats.

Well, it is your job as the teacher to educate them on healthy snacks! Candy sure does taste great, but it is not a great choice for a nutritious snack. We DO NOT allow students to bring in candy for their snack at school. If they sneak it in their cold lunch, fine. We aren't going to be the Candy Patrol, but we will try to control the treats in the classroom.

Instead, at the beginning of the school year, we actually send home a letter listing healthy snacks: fruits, vegetables, some crackers, chips, etc... Be careful that there are no peanut allergies or other food allergies in your room. You will want to make sure parents are aware if there are serious allergies to food in your classroom.

Throughout the school year, we sometimes surprise the students with a healthy snack that we have purchased from a grocery store as well. With all the sedentary children out there today, you want to make sure to support healthy eating habits!

Make sure to stop by next Wednesday for another installment of Wise Guys Words of Wisdom!

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